Protecting API routes
- SuperTokens is not yet optimised for 2FA implementation, so you have to add a lot of customisations for it to work. We are working on improving the development experience for 2FA as well as adding more factors like TOPT. Stay tuned.
- A demo app that uses the pre built UI can be found on our GitHub.
In the previous steps, we saw the a session is created after the first factor, with SecondFactorClaim
set to false, and then after the second factor is completed, we update that value to true.
Protecting all APIsWe want to protect all the application APIs such that they are accessible only when SecondFactorClaim
is true
- indicating that the user has completed 2FA. We can do this by by overriding the getGlobalClaimValidators
function in the Session recipe.
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
import Session from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";
Session.init({ override: { functions: (oI) => { return { ...oI, getGlobalClaimValidators: (input) => [ ...input.claimValidatorsAddedByOtherRecipes, SecondFactorClaim.validators.hasValue(true), ], }; }, }})
import ( "" "" "" "")
func main() {
_, SecondFactorClaimValidator := claims.BooleanClaim("2fa-completed", func(userId string, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (interface{}, error) { return false, nil }, nil)
session.Init(&sessmodels.TypeInput{ Override: &sessmodels.OverrideStruct{ Functions: func(originalImplementation sessmodels.RecipeInterface) sessmodels.RecipeInterface { (*originalImplementation.GetGlobalClaimValidators) = func(userId string, claimValidatorsAddedByOtherRecipes []claims.SessionClaimValidator, userContext supertokens.UserContext) ([]claims.SessionClaimValidator, error) { claimValidatorsAddedByOtherRecipes = append(claimValidatorsAddedByOtherRecipes, SecondFactorClaimValidator.HasValue(true, nil, nil)) return claimValidatorsAddedByOtherRecipes, nil }
return originalImplementation }, }, })}
from typing import List, Dict, Anyfrom import BooleanClaimfrom supertokens_python.recipe import sessionfrom supertokens_python.recipe.session.interfaces import RecipeInterface, SessionClaimValidator
SecondFactorClaim = BooleanClaim( key="2fa-completed", fetch_value=lambda _, __: False)
def override_session_functions(original_implementation: RecipeInterface):
async def get_global_claim_validators( user_id: str, claim_validators_added_by_other_recipes: List[SessionClaimValidator], user_context: Dict[str, Any], ): return claim_validators_added_by_other_recipes + [SecondFactorClaim.validators.has_value(True)]
original_implementation.get_global_claim_validators = get_global_claim_validators return original_implementation
Protecting specific API routesIf instead, you want to enforce 2FA just on certain API routes, you can add the validator only when calling the verifySession
- NodeJS
- GoLang
- Python
- Express
- Hapi
- Fastify
- Koa
- Loopback
- AWS Lambda / Netlify
- Next.js
- NestJS
import express from "express";import { verifySession } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/framework/express";import { SessionRequest } from "supertokens-node/framework/express";
let app = express();"/like-comment", verifySession({ overrideGlobalClaimValidators: (globalValidators) => [ ...globalValidators, SecondFactorClaim.validators.hasValue(true), ]}), (req: SessionRequest, res) => { //....});
import Hapi from "@hapi/hapi";import { verifySession } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/framework/hapi";import { SessionRequest } from "supertokens-node/framework/hapi";
let server = Hapi.server({ port: 8000 });
server.route({ path: "/like-comment", method: "post", options: { pre: [ { method: verifySession({ overrideGlobalClaimValidators: (globalValidators) => [ ...globalValidators, SecondFactorClaim.validators.hasValue(true), ] }) }, ], }, handler: async (req: SessionRequest, res) => { //... }})
import Fastify from "fastify";import { verifySession } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/framework/fastify";import { SessionRequest } from "supertokens-node/framework/fastify";
let fastify = Fastify();"/like-comment", { preHandler: verifySession({ overrideGlobalClaimValidators: (globalValidators) => [ ...globalValidators, SecondFactorClaim.validators.hasValue(true), ] }),}, (req: SessionRequest, res) => { //....});
import { verifySession } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/framework/awsLambda";import { SessionEventV2 } from "supertokens-node/framework/awsLambda";
async function likeComment(awsEvent: SessionEventV2) { //....};
exports.handler = verifySession(likeComment, { overrideGlobalClaimValidators: (globalValidators) => [ ...globalValidators, SecondFactorClaim.validators.hasValue(true), ]});
import KoaRouter from "koa-router";import { verifySession } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/framework/koa";import { SessionContext } from "supertokens-node/framework/koa";
let router = new KoaRouter();"/like-comment", verifySession({ overrideGlobalClaimValidators: (globalValidators) => [ ...globalValidators, SecondFactorClaim.validators.hasValue(true), ]}), (ctx: SessionContext, next) => { //....});
import { inject, intercept } from "@loopback/core";import { RestBindings, MiddlewareContext, post, response } from "@loopback/rest";import { verifySession } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/framework/loopback";import { SessionContext } from "supertokens-node/framework/loopback";
class LikeComment { constructor(@inject(RestBindings.Http.CONTEXT) private ctx: MiddlewareContext) { } @post("/like-comment") @intercept(verifySession({ overrideGlobalClaimValidators: (globalValidators) => [ ...globalValidators, SecondFactorClaim.validators.hasValue(true), ] })) @response(200) handler() { //.... }}
import { superTokensNextWrapper } from 'supertokens-node/nextjs'import { verifySession } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session/framework/express";import { SessionRequest } from "supertokens-node/framework/express";
export default async function likeComment(req: SessionRequest, res: any) { await superTokensNextWrapper( async (next) => { await verifySession({ overrideGlobalClaimValidators: (globalValidators) => [ ...globalValidators, SecondFactorClaim.validators.hasValue(true), ] })(req, res, next); }, req, res ) //....}
import { Controller, Post, UseGuards, Session } from "@nestjs/common";import { SessionContainer } from "supertokens-node/recipe/session";import { AuthGuard } from './auth/auth.guard';
@Controller()export class ExampleController { @Post('example') // For more information about this guard please read our NestJS guide. @UseGuards(new AuthGuard({ overrideGlobalClaimValidators: (globalValidators) => [ ...globalValidators, SecondFactorClaim.validators.hasValue(true), ] })) async postExample(@Session() session: SessionContainer): Promise<boolean> { return true; }}
- Chi
- net/http
- Gin
- Mux
import ( "net/http"
"" "" "" "")
func main() { _, SecondFactorClaimValidator := claims.BooleanClaim("2fa-completed", func(userId string, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (interface{}, error) { return false, nil }, nil)
http.ListenAndServe("SERVER ADDRESS", corsMiddleware( supertokens.Middleware(http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Handle your APIs.. if r.URL.Path == "/like-comment" {
session.VerifySession(&sessmodels.VerifySessionOptions{ OverrideGlobalClaimValidators: func(globalClaimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator, sessionContainer sessmodels.SessionContainer, userContext supertokens.UserContext) ([]claims.SessionClaimValidator, error) { globalClaimValidators = append(globalClaimValidators, SecondFactorClaimValidator.HasValue(true, nil, nil)) return globalClaimValidators, nil }, }, likeCommentAPI).ServeHTTP(rw, r) return } }))))}
func corsMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(response http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { //... })}
func likeCommentAPI(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // If it comes here, the user has completed 2fa.}
import ( "net/http"
"" "" "" "" "")
func main() { _, SecondFactorClaimValidator := claims.BooleanClaim("2fa-completed", func(userId string, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (interface{}, error) { return false, nil }, nil)
router := gin.New()
router.GET("/like-comment", verifySession(&sessmodels.VerifySessionOptions{ OverrideGlobalClaimValidators: func(globalClaimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator, sessionContainer sessmodels.SessionContainer, userContext supertokens.UserContext) ([]claims.SessionClaimValidator, error) { globalClaimValidators = append(globalClaimValidators, SecondFactorClaimValidator.HasValue(true, nil, nil)) return globalClaimValidators, nil }, }), likeComment)}
// Wrap session.VerifySession to work with Ginfunc verifySession(options *sessmodels.VerifySessionOptions) gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { session.VerifySession(options, func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { c.Request = c.Request.WithContext(r.Context()) c.Next() })(c.Writer, c.Request) // we call Abort so that the next handler in the chain is not called, unless we call Next explicitly c.Abort() }}
func likeComment(c *gin.Context) { // If it comes here, the user has completed 2fa.}
import ( "net/http"
"" "" "" "" "")
func main() { _, SecondFactorClaimValidator := claims.BooleanClaim("2fa-completed", func(userId string, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (interface{}, error) { return false, nil }, nil)
r := chi.NewRouter()
r.Get("/like-comment", session.VerifySession(&sessmodels.VerifySessionOptions{ OverrideGlobalClaimValidators: func(globalClaimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator, sessionContainer sessmodels.SessionContainer, userContext supertokens.UserContext) ([]claims.SessionClaimValidator, error) { globalClaimValidators = append(globalClaimValidators, SecondFactorClaimValidator.HasValue(true, nil, nil)) return globalClaimValidators, nil }, }, likeComment))}
func likeComment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // If it comes here, the user has completed 2fa.}
import ( "net/http"
"" "" "" "" "")
func main() { _, SecondFactorClaimValidator := claims.BooleanClaim("2fa-completed", func(userId string, userContext supertokens.UserContext) (interface{}, error) { return false, nil }, nil) router := mux.NewRouter()
router.HandleFunc("/like-comment", session.VerifySession(&sessmodels.VerifySessionOptions{ OverrideGlobalClaimValidators: func(globalClaimValidators []claims.SessionClaimValidator, sessionContainer sessmodels.SessionContainer, userContext supertokens.UserContext) ([]claims.SessionClaimValidator, error) { globalClaimValidators = append(globalClaimValidators, SecondFactorClaimValidator.HasValue(true, nil, nil)) return globalClaimValidators, nil }, }, likeComment)).Methods(http.MethodGet)}
func likeComment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // If it comes here, the user has completed 2fa.}
- FastAPI
- Flask
- Django
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.framework.fastapi import verify_sessionfrom supertokens_python.recipe.session import SessionContainerfrom fastapi import Dependsfrom import BooleanClaim
SecondFactorClaim = BooleanClaim( key="2fa-completed", fetch_value=lambda _, __: False)'/like_comment') async def like_comment(session: SessionContainer = Depends( verify_session( # We add the SecondFactorClaim's has_value(True) validator override_global_claim_validators=lambda global_validators, session, user_context: global_validators + \ [SecondFactorClaim.validators.has_value(True)] ))): # All validator checks have passed and the user has completed 2FA pass
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.framework.flask import verify_sessionfrom import BooleanClaim
SecondFactorClaim = BooleanClaim( key="2fa-completed", fetch_value=lambda _, __: False)
@app.route('/update-jwt', methods=['POST']) @verify_session( # We add the SecondFactorClaim's has_value(True) validator override_global_claim_validators=lambda global_validators, session, user_context: global_validators + \ [SecondFactorClaim.validators.has_value(True)])def like_comment(): # All validator checks have passed and the user has completed 2FA pass
from supertokens_python.recipe.session.framework.django.asyncio import verify_sessionfrom django.http import HttpRequestfrom import BooleanClaim
SecondFactorClaim = BooleanClaim( key="2fa-completed", fetch_value=lambda _, __: False)
@verify_session( # We add the SecondFactorClaim's has_value(True) validator override_global_claim_validators=lambda global_validators, session, user_context: global_validators + \ [SecondFactorClaim.validators.has_value(True)])async def like_comment(request: HttpRequest): # All validator checks have passed and the user has completed 2FA pass
If the SecondFactorClaim
claim validator fails, then the SDK will send a 403